Going bigger and doing better in 2018

Here is to a new prosperous year!

A new year has dawned upon us,giving us the opportunity to restart, reinvent and most importantly to reflect on the past year. Reflecting is always a good thing to do because it allows us to go back and see our achievements and goals met. It is also a time to set new goals and ways to ensure that those goals are met. And there are various methods that can be used to assist in ensuring that goals and action plans are clear. 

I have provided some ideas below. 

Vision Board

These boards come highly recommended, some people are more visual than others. Keeping images and words of your goals on a board where you will see them on a daily basis, is a lot of motivation. You are more likely to push your self harder each time you see the board. 

Setting Short and Long term goals 

It is quite important not to put to much pressure on yourself, and its vital to set a pace that is suitable for yourself as well as a time frame that is appropriate for the size of the goals. 

A short-term goal is something you want to do in the near future. The near future can mean today, this week, this month, or even this year.

long-term goal will take you a long time to accomplish 

These goals should be:

S- specific 


A- Attainable 

R- Realistic 

T- Time Bound 

These methods are the most effective and should assist in ensuring that your 2018 goals are set and ready to be reached through hard work and dedication. It is also of high importance that you stick to your own pace and literally mind your own and focus on what you need to do. 

Here's to wishing you a year full of prosperity and success and remember push your self hard but don't be too hard on yourself, you will get through it. 


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